Ask your MP to take action for peace on the Korean Peninsula

On Monday 27 January Christian CND welcomed members of the Bargn Nuri Community to London as part of their 1000 Day Pilgrimage for Life and Peace.

We were inspired to hear about their work for peace and their vision for a future on the Korean Peninsula with no nuclear weapons and people living together in friendship and peace.

We want to stand alongside our brothers and sisters in all they are doing. Despite some promising events in recent times, particular the opening of dialouge between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un and the meeting between Kim Jong-Un and Moon Jae-In, peace talks have since stalled.

Throughout their pilgrimage the Bargn Nuri have been sharing their vision for the future which includes:

  1. The removal of all nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula.
  2. The ending of War Games by the United States in the region.
  3. An easing of sanctions on North Korea, which is leading to enormous suffering among North Koreans.
  4. Steps towards the eventual demilitarisation and permanent neutrality of the Korean Peninsula.

Use the search function below to contact your MP and ask them to take action for peace on the Korean Peninsula by encouraging the UK government to do it all can to facilitate these four steps.